Whilst coaching topics are extremely broad and wide ranging, coaching is not advice and should not be treated as such. All decisions are made by the clients themselves. If you need specific advice on legal, marital, business, financial, physical or mental health, there are specialist professionals available.
Results cannot be guaranteed. Behavioural changes can take time to be integrated into daily life. Whilst coaching is highly effective at helping a client to change habits and gain new and useful techniques and perspectives, the Client enters into the coaching with the understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results.
We will always do our best to ensure that our conversations are relevant and useful. If at any stage either party feels that the value or expectations are not being met, the contract can be terminated and a refund for any outstanding prepaid sessions will be made. If the client does not complete the contracted sessions within 12 months of the contract date, any prepaid time will expire without refund.
This disclaimer applies equally to the other products that we offer such as: The Art of Not Doing, or The Power of Alignment, which are essentially team coaching events where results cannot be guaranteed.
We maintain a strict confidentiality code and matters disclosed in private will always remain private unless there is a legal obligation to act otherwise.
Unless otherwise agreed, the venues for face-to-face meetings will be arranged and paid for by the client.
Changing appointment dates and times:
When we have arranged an appointment time it is really helpful if you can stick to that time. If you need to reschedule please give us 48 hours notice otherwise we reserve the right to charge for the missed session.
Data Security and your Privacy
Other than your email address , possibly a contact phone number , a diary appointment if you make one with us, a copy of your contract and a copy of any invoices from us to you, we don’t hold or need to hold any information about you.
We shall not pass your information to any third party unless required by law and other than the normal exchange of emails between us to fulfil your enquiry or contract we shall not contact you, unless you ask us to stay in touch. We do encourage clients to visit our website, where up to date articles and other items of interest will be posted.
We take data protection extremely seriously and take all reasonable steps to ensure the continued safety of our data. However, due to the inherent open nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that communications between you and us or information stored on our servers, will be completely free from unauthorised access by third parties such as hackers and your use of the site demonstrates your assumption of this risk. And we cannot guarantee 100% the security of any information that you transmit.
April 2019 – Anthony Betts Coaching